Tuesday, December 17, 2019

What Challenges Did The Peacemakers At Vienna Face And How...

What challenges did the peacemakers at Vienna face and how effective were their solutions? Charles Stewart, half-brother to Castlereagh –the principle British diplomat to the Congress of Vienna wrote ‘if we consider the power of Russia†¦what may we not fear from her?’ in response to the situation of high tension created in the Congress of Vienna. The peacemakers at Vienna had two major aims; to main a ‘balance of power’ throughout Europe, and to prevent France from ever reaching the level of power it had held under Napoleon once again. In attempting to achieve these aims they faced a number of challenges; particularly territorial adjustments and divide amongst the Power Nations. Territorial reconstruction was the greatest challenge as it created a wedge between the nations, breaking them off into secretive alliances and pushed the congress to the brink of war. The peacemakers were also most effective in dealing with this challenge as the solutions absolved other challenges. The greatest challenge the peacemakers at Vienna faced was the reorganisation of Europe through the division of territory, as Jarret presents â€Å"the main issue confronting the allied statesmen at Vienna remained the reconstruction of central Europe, especially Poland† . The problem of territorial dispute was the greatest challenge as many of the great powers had personal land at risk but the balance of power had to be maintained, in particular through the Polish-Saxon negotiations. Prior to Napoleon’sShow MoreRelatedProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 Pagesprospective project managers with the knowledge and skills that are transferable across industries and countries. Our motivation for writing this text was to provide students with a holistic, integrative view of project management. A holistic view focuses on how projects contribute to the strategic goals of the organization. The linkages for integration include the process of selecting projects that best support the strategy of a particular organization and that in turn can be supported by the technical and

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